Brilliant’s unique, innovative and user-friendly and exceptional quality smart home products let you transform any living space into an easy to use smart home. Brilliant creates groundbreaking smart home products that are easy to install and integrate with the top brands in every smart home category. Some of their products include Home Control Systems and Smart Lighting products. It also deals in Dimmer Switches and Smart Plugs.
Brilliant’s smart home products let you effortlessly control all of your smart home devices from one, easy to access and easy to use control panel on your wall or a single app on your phone. With the award-winning Brilliant Smart Home Control and all-in-one mobile app, you can instantly gain control over all your smart home products through a single app and display that simply installs in place of any light switch. You don’t have to fret about hubs, ugly wires, countertop clutter, or switching multiple apps anymore.
Brilliant innovative and technologically advanced products are convenient, unified, and all kinds of smart. Brilliant’s Smart Lighting transforms regular lights into smart lights and make smart bulbs even smarer. Its Smart Dimmer Switch smoothly integrates with a Brilliant Smart Home Control to enables smart lighting throughout your home. Brilliant’s Smart Plug adds intelligent home connectivity and voice control to any outlet in your home. It makes floor lamps, desk lamps, fans or any home appliance smart. It also improves connectivity between Brilliant Controls, Brilliant Dimmer Switches and Smart Plugs.
With brilliant features like Voice Control, Motion Control, App Control, Smart Display, Built In Camera Brilliant lets you choose the best way to interact with your home in every situation. Brilliant lets you combine your lighting, music, temperature, and other settings to quickly control your smart home with a tap, a voice command, or by merely walking into a room. Brilliant’s smart home products are indeed just what you need for creating a perfect smart home.
About Tile
Tile is the easiest way to nd your things. Simply attach this tiny Bluetooth device to anything and nd it with your smartphone. You can also use Tile to nd your phone.
Tile saves time and money. It keeps you connected to the things that matter to you most, no matter where the day takes you.
Tile remembers where you last had it.
The Tile app automatically records the last time and place your phone, or any other Tiled item, was seen. Open your Tile app to view the last known location of an item on a map.
Note: This feature uses your phone’s GPS. You must keep your Tile app running and your Bluetooth enabled so that Last Place Seen is always up-to-date.
Community Find
If your misplaced item is outside of Bluetooth range, you can quickly enlist all Tile apps in our network to anonymously and securely look for your lost item. This feature is called Community Find. Simply tap the “Mark as Lost” button in the Tile app. When another person with an active Tile app is within range of the lost item, you get pinged with its location. This feature is 100% private—no one will know you’re looking for a lost item.
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